
Gewalt.Frei is a preventive, participatory project with children and young people aged 10 to 21 years, produced in cooperation with Kristina Leko (HR/DE), supported by Landeszentrale für politische Bildung NRW and presented at Kunstverein Leverkusen.

The project consists of a duo exhibition Hoppe / Leko, a group exhibition with the participating children and adolescents and a poster campaign in the public space of Cologne.

In dialogue with children and young people we explored at four different schools in Leverkusen and Cologne the manifold manifestations and levels of meaning on violence. The result, an exhibition at the Kunstverein Leverkusen Schloss Morsbroich consisted of two parts. The first consisted of our own work on the topic and in the second part our work has been supplemented with works of students. Thus subject to the exhibition a process of transformation through mediation strategies. The project is an attempt to clarify the means of fine art, a public discussion and exchange on violence. Not only the reflection of the socially relevant and current topic, but also the creative participation of children and youth in the artistic process gave the exhibition an innovative format. The POSTER CAMPAIGN Gewalt.Frei was presented on 720 billboards in the public space of Cologne.

Documentation and evaluation of the whole project: Gewalt.Frei